Clothing Styles
Source: Adapted from “CD’s Shopping Guide” by Sandi Horn
Page Contents:
The following material was put together from several sources including an excellent article by
Christina Cross on how to select the best look in clothes for your body shape and size.
Trying to get acquainted with a new set of rules for dressing can be so confusing it may make you throw
up your hands and quit. I’ve had ladies ask me many times, “What is the best look for MY body?” When I ask what image
they’d like to project invariably the response is “Oh, I want to look pretty.” Of course everyone’s version of “pretty”
will vary. Don’t let your clothes be the focal point! Your clothes should enhance the way you feel, the person you are.
They should make people notice YOU first, NOT what you are wearing.
I usually advise these ladies to play up what they feel are their best features and play down those
features they’d rather not draw attention to. I’ve found the easiest way to start is to consult a basic chart of body
variations with suggestions on how to enhance or downplay each.
The chart you’ll find later in this article is really a bare-bones chart, leaving lots of room for
experimentation. As a starting point, it serves to give suggestions for elaborating on and applying different tricks to
a particular look. Look at what describes your body most closely. Look at the suggestions, combine them and then
translate them to your fashion look.
It can be helpful and fun at the same time.
Hips / Thighs
Remember, as you scrutinize this chart that these are GUIDELINES ONLY. What may not be listed here for
your body type may be perfect for the type of look you want to achieve. As you experiment, you’ll become more
confident. And, most importantly, confidence is the real key to any successful fashion look.